Next time you are thinking about having a charity golf event, consider getting hole in one insurance. Hole in one insurance will allow you to offer a more substantial grand prize. In turn, this will raise the excitement level about your event and get more people interested in competing. The more golfers competing, the more money you make for your charity.
If you are more interested in running a putting contest, hole in one insurance can help raise the stakes on that as well. Hole in one insurance can give you more options to help maximize the intake for your charity.
Obtaining hole in one insurance is a simple process. You won’t have to play the waiting game to get your quote. There are several companies online offering hole in one insurance, so getting a quote is simple. Just enter your information on the quote form, decide on a date, enter the number of competitors, yardage of hole, and prize description. Leave your contact information and in most cases you will receive a quote within minutes.
Hole in one insurance has many other benefits that will bring more competition to your charity event. There are companies that offer pluses such as free golf clubs to participants. Many of the companies offer free full color signs to advertise your event.
If you are planning a charity golf event, having hole in one insurance on your side is the best way to boost participation. There is nothing more exciting for a golfer than to play for a big prize. With hole in one insurance, you won’t be paying that prize out of your own pocket.